Agenda 20230 Exposed
A Prepared and Watchful People
From a Biblical perspective, it's essential to discern and understand the spiritual implications of Agenda 2030.
The Bible foretells events of a coming global government and economic system governed by a world leader, the Antichrist (Revelation 13).
Agenda 2030, we need to approach it with the “Issachar Anointing”—a biblical mindset of discernment and understanding of the times.
In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar are described as those “who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.”
This wisdom is crucial today as we navigate an era filled with signs of cultural and moral decline, which mirror patterns seen in previous empires.
We are called to discern the times and act with urgency, preparing ourselves and our communities for potential hardships while remaining steadfast in faith.
Through an Issachar-like discernment, we recognize the signs of decline and call others to seek God’s protection, purpose, and promises.
By fostering true repentance, teaching biblical truth, and relying on God’s sovereignty, believers can be both salt and light amid a world in decline (Matthew 5:13-16), pointing others to the unshakable kingdom of God.
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